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Teck’s Insights



Prepare Your Home for Winter

As the days shorten, you can mitigate many mid-winter headaches with some preemptive prep. Proper weatherizing can help protect your home from preventable damage, save money on energy costs, and, most importantly, keep you and your loved ones safe and warm throughout the winter season. Here is a useful checklist to manage your weatherization project. […]
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Your Winter Home Maintenance Checklist

Winter is a magical season to spend at home. We all want to be able to enjoy the shorter days and longer nights from the comfort of our homes while we watch the season change. To truly enjoy this winter at home with peace of mind, you’ll want to complete a home maintenance checklist to […]
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Homeowners Have A Fat Equity Cushion For Real-Estate Downturn

US homeowners continued to build their equity positions last quarter even as the housing market cooled, and they have ample buffers to shield against a deeper downturn, according to a new study. The share of mortgage borrowers who are “equity-rich” — meaning that they owe no more than half of the property’s market value — […]
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Q3 2022 Western Washington Real Estate Market Update

The following analysis of select counties of the Western Washington real estate market is provided by Windermere Real Estate Chief Economist Matthew Gardner. We hope that this information may assist you with making better-informed real estate decisions. For further information about the housing market in your area, please don’t hesitate to contact your Windermere Real […]
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Still deep in positive territory, home-price gains post steep declines in latest Case-Shiller

The pace of housing-price gains fell by the largest amount in history in August, topping the previous record for deceleration set in July, according to the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price NSA Index.   Despite the slowdown, U.S. housing prices remain significantly higher than they were a year ago.  Specifically, the national index rose […]
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Remodeling Projects to Avoid When Selling Your Home

It’s common for homeowners to feel compelled to remodel their homes before they sell. Renovating the spaces in your home can increase its value and help you compete with comparable listings in your area. However, some remodeling projects are more beneficial than others as you prepare to sell your home. Always talk to your agent to determine […]
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