Real Estate Updates Selling Your Home: Capital Gains Tax When you sell your home, you stand to receive an influx of cash. Though there are several costs associated with a home sale, you can likely still bank on the fact that you’ll be depositing a lump sum in the near future. But before you start planning how you’ll use the money or start looking for […]
Real Estate Updates Reasons Why It’s Still a Great Time to Buy a Home I’ve always been all-in on homeownership. Yet, for the first time in two decades since the beginning of the pandemic, I haven’t owned a home. All of which got me thinking: The National Association of Realtors (NAR) just issued a report calculating that the cost of purchasing a house in the U.S. has increased 55% year over year […]
Real Estate Updates Moving Patterns for U.S. Homeowners and Renters in 2021 Hello there. I’m Windermere Real Estate’s Chief Economist Matthew Gardner and welcome to the latest episode of Monday with Matthew. Over the past few months, analysts like myself have been starting to get our hands on early numbers from the Census Bureau and, although we won’t get the bulk of the data for another several months, […]
Real Estate Updates 6 Seattle Suburbs with the Highest Price Growth in March The year-over-year median sale prices were up yet again, and the Eastside dominance continues. AH, SPRING. That joyous time when seasonal allergies start popping—and the local housing market does too. Seattle neighborhoods showed signs of the busy housing market to come, as did area rents. Meanwhile, in the suburbs, the Eastside continued its unprecedented tear […]
Buyers & Sellers Home Safety and Security It’s true that your home is an investment and an asset, but most importantly, it’s your livelihood, so taking measures to adequately protect it is well worth your time. An unfortunate reality of being a homeowner is that your home can be a target for mischievous and/or criminal acts. Fortunately, there are tools and systems […]
Buyers & Sellers Tips For Emergency Preparedness With homeownership comes the responsibility of having to plan ahead for life’s unknowns. Emergencies come in many forms, depending on your local climate. So whether its more likely that you and your household need to prepare for the potential of a wildfire, a flood, or a winter storm, it’s crucial to have resources on hand to limit […]
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Real Estate Updates The Current State of the U.S. Housing Market Hello there, I’m Windermere’s Chief Economist Matthew Gardner, and welcome to this month’s episode of Monday with Matthew. With home prices continuing to defy gravity, mortgage rates spiking, the Fed raising interest rates significantly, a yield curve that is just keeping its nose above water, and some becoming vocal about the possibility that we are going […]
Real Estate Updates Q1 2022 Western Washington Real Estate Market Update The following analysis of select counties of the Western Washington real estate market is provided by Windermere Real Estate Chief Economist Matthew Gardner. We hope that this information may assist you with making better-informed real estate decisions. For further information about the housing market in your area, please don’t hesitate to contact your Windermere Real […]
Real Estate Updates 5 Design Projects to Improve Your Backyard Your home’s façade and front yard play a role in its curb appeal, but the backyard is for you and your household to enjoy. Spending time making improvements to your backyard will help to maximize your enjoyment of your property and can increase its value. These backyard design projects will help to beautify your yard while creating opportunities […]
Real Estate Updates Landscaping Tips That Can Increase Your Home’s Value When you own a home, there’s a natural desire to invest in landscaping projects that help beautify your yard. But for those who are preparing to sell, the emphasis should be on specific projects that boost your home’s curb appeal and add to its value. The following landscaping tips can help you position your home to […]
Real Estate Updates Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrencies in Real Estate Hello there, I’m Windermere Real Estate’s chief economist, Matthew Gardner, and welcome to the latest episode of Mondays with Matthew. This month we’re going to take a look at Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies themselves and how both may impact home buyers and sellers in the future. But before we dive into the potential impacts of cryptocurrency […]
Real Estate Updates Big Tech Makes a Big Bet: Offices Are Still the Future Even as they allow some employees to change how often they come into the office, tech companies are rapidly buying and leasing properties around the country. TEMPE, Ariz. — Early in the pandemic, when shops along Mill Avenue in downtown Tempe closed their doors and students at nearby Arizona State University were asked to go […]
Buyers & Sellers The housing market isn’t normalizing—Zillow predicts the wildest home price swing still awaits Depleted, stretched, and disheartened. That’s how a lot of home shoppers, who’ve lost home bid after bid over the past year, are feeling these days. When it comes to timing, they’ve certainly gotten the short end of the stick. Over the past 12 months, U.S. home prices are up 18.8%—an uptick larger than any 12-month […]
Buyers & Sellers Monday with Matthew: The Impact of Rising Mortgage Rates The Impact of Rising Mortgage Rates Hello there. I’m Windermere Real Estate’s Chief Economist Matthew Gardner. Welcome to the latest episode of Monday with Matthew. Over the past several weeks I’ve gotten a lot of messages from you wanting me to discuss the spike in mortgage rates that followed comments by the Federal Reserve, but […]
Real Estate Updates 2022 March Seattle Real Estate Update
Real Estate Updates 2022 March Eastside Real Estate Update